GM Service Manual Online
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Models: All Light Duty Models With Automatic Transmissions

The Bulletin Summary Listing has been designed to provide the user with a ready reference source of specific Hydra-Matic automatic transmission tech- nical information. The listing contains 1982 through 1986 model year bulletins cross-referenced by numbers that were issued from GM Divisions. The publication has been divided by transmission family (THM 200C, 25OC/350C, 400/475, 700-R4) into three sections for convenience and ease of use as follows:

Diagnosed Conditions or Symptom Descriptions

Bulletins are categorized in this section by General Groups into main topic areas such as: "Leaks", "Noise", "Performance" and "Shifting". Each bulletin in these General Group areas is listed under specific headings titled: "Diagnosis or Symptom," "Model/Year," "Bulletin Numbers" and "Subject Summary."

Service Information and Repair Procedures

The General Groups in this section are classified by part name and include items such as "Bearings and Washers," "Case," "Clutches and Bands," "Control Valve Components," "Oil Pump," "Shaft Assemblies" and "Torque Converter Components." The bulletins are listed under headings titled as those previously described except for "Diagnosis or Symptom."

New Parts

The General Groups in this section are also part name oriented in the same manner as the second section. This section also lists bulletins under the same specific headings as the second section with a column titled "Items" added.

(Please note that some bulletins may be cross-referenced and appear in more than one section depending on their content.)

Properly used, this listing will provide you with helpful technical information on Hydra-Matic automatic transmissions should service become necessary.



NOTE: General groups are listed in Alphabetical order Bulletins are listed in previous to most current order

GENERAL DIAGNOSIS MODEL/YEAR BULLETIN NUMBERS SUBJECT SUMMARY GROUPS or SYMPTOM ---------- ---------------- --------------- ------ ----------

LEAKS Transmission oil 1982 BUICK 2-1-200 Revised pump and exhausting from All models CAD T-8315 case gasket will vent CAN 7-170 help eliminate CHEV 82-T-97 this condition. CORP 827220 Service informa- GMC 82-B-73 tion and HM 82-18 illustration OLDS 32-12 given. PONT 82-T-79

PERFORMANCE Loss of Power 1982-1984 BUICK 84-7-2 New brazing in Drive & Or model CAN 7-120 process for Reverse 1981 CHEV 84-93 converter blades AS, HT, OT CORP 847901 prevents movement 1983-1984 GMC 84-B-64 of blades and OU Model HM 83-80 reduction of OLDS 34-8 torque PONT 4-7-23 multiplication.

SHIFTING Soft 1-2 and All models BUICK 84-7-4 New rubber lip 2-3 Shifts CAD T4-73 seals will CAN 7-129 replace scarf CORP 847903 Teflon seal GMC 84-B-62 rings. This HM 83-75 should eliminate OLDS 34-8 soft 1-2 and PONT 4-7-16 2-3 shifts.

Late Early 1984 BUICK 472001 Possible causes Engagement or CAN 7-102 for this condi- Slipping in CHEV 84-12 tion are given Reverse CORP 847201 with service GMC 84-B-16 procedures and HM 83-88 charts. OLDS 34-2 PONT 8-7-2


NOTE: General groups are listed in Alphabetical order Bulletins are listedd in previous to most current order

GENERAL MODEL/YEAR BULLETIN NUMBERS SUBJECT SUMMARY GROUPS ---------- ---------------- --------------- ------ CASE All models BUICK 85-7-1 Explanation of all key CAN 5-7103 transmission identifica- CHEV 84-191 tions CORP 857989 GMC 85-B-2 HM 84-25 OLDS 85-T-6 PONT 85-7-2


NOTE: General groups are listed in Alphabetical order Bulletins are listed in previous to most current order

GENERAL ITEMS MODEL/YEAR BULLETIN NUMBERS SUBJECT SUMMARY GROUPS ----- ---------- ----------------- --------------- ------- BEARINGS Selective 1982-1983 BUICK 83-140 Illustration of new and Washer All models CAD 83-113 design for selective WASHERS CAN 7-164 washer has new CHEV 83-1-91 identification tab CORP 837206 attached to it. GMC 83-6-106 HM 83-31 OLDS 33-11 PONT 83-1-197

Selective 1982-1983 CHEV 83-1-91 Revision to GMC Washer CORP 837206 83-B-106. Date of GMC 84-B-17 implementation given. HM 83-31A OLDS 34-2 PONT 83-1-160

Hex Head All models BUICK 85-7A Describes and Screws and CAN 5-7114 illustrates reusable Conical CHEV 85-36 hex head screw and Washers CORP 857902 conical washer GMC 85-B-44 assembly when servic- HM 85-19 ing any transmission OLDS 35-7 or transaxle PONT 85-7-7

CLUTCHES Rubber Lip All models BUICK 84-74 New rubber lip seals and Seals CAD T4-73 will replace scarf BANDS CAN 7-129 Teflon seal rings. CORP 847903 This should GMC 84-B-62 eliminate soft 1-2 HM 83-75 and 2-3 shifts. OLDS 34-8 PONT 4-7-16

DIFFERENTIAL Rear internal 1982 BUICK 2-1-152 This new one piece DRIVE AXLE Gear and Output CAD T-8317 press fit output FINAL DRIVE Shaft Assembly CAN 7-164 shaft assembly will CORP 827205 reduce drive line GMC 82-B-54 rattle. HM 82-16 OLDS 32-9 PONT 82-T-57

OIL PUMP Pump Body 1982-1983 CAN 7-1301 New pump body has Assembly C7,CN,CO,CK, CHEV 83-I-59 the pressure relief CB,CW,HB,HF, CORP 837220 port removed from HH,HL,PS,C9, GMC 83-B-76 the body casting CS,HO,JJ HM 83-11 PONT 83-I-64

OIL PAN New Oil Prior to 1983 BUICK 83-214 Release of new oil Pan, Hex All models CAD T4-37 pan, hex head Head Screw, CAN 7-213 screw, and conical and Conical CHEV 83-117 washer assembly. Washer Assembly CORP 837214 GMC 84-B-26 HM 83-89 OLDS 34-5 PONT 83-T-65

TORQUE Torque 1982-1984 BUICK 84-7-2 New brazing process CONVERTER Converter OR model CAN 7-120 for converter blades COMPONENTS 1981 HEV 84-93 prevents movement AS,HT,OT, ORP 847901 of blades and 1983-1984 GMC 84-B-64 reduction of torque OU model HM 83-80 multiplication. OLDS 34-8 Potential loss of PONT 4-7-23 power in drive and reverse.

Torque All models BUICK 5-7-8 Use of end play Conveter All years CAN 5-7138 measurement tool End Play CHEV 57-3 on all torque Measurement CORP 857907 converters is given. Tool GMC 85-B-77 Chart and HM 85-38 illustration OLDS 5-T-24 are included. PONT 5-7-21



NOTE: General groups are listed in Alphabetical order Bulletins are listed in previous to most current order

GENERAL DIAGNOSIS GROUPS or SYMPTOM MODEL/YEAR BULLETIN NUMBERS SUBJECT SUMMARY ------ ---------- ---------- ----------------- --------------- PERFORMANCE TCC Shudder 1983 BUICK 83-193 Bulletin provides All models CAN 7-189 information that CHEV 83-T-74 identifies the CORP 837908 solenoid assembly GMC 83-B-119 as possible cause HM 83-52 of shudder condi- OLDS 34-1 tion. Breakpoint information is provided.


NOTE: General groups are listed in Alphabetical order Bulletins are listed in previous to most current order

GENERAL MODEL/YEAR BULLETIN NUMBERS SUBJECT SUMMARY GROUPS ---------- ----------------- ---------------- ------- CASE All models BUICK 85-7-1 Explanation of all key CAN 5-7103 transmission identifications. CHEV 84-191 CORP 857989 GMC 85-B-2 HM 84-25 OLDS 85-T-6 PONT 85-7-2


NOTE: General groups are listed in Alphabetical order Bulletins are listed in previous to most current order

GENERAL ITEMS MODEL/YEAR BULLETIN NUMBERS SUBJECT SUMMARY GROUPS ----- ----------- ----------------- ---------------- ------ BEARINGS Hex Head All models BUICK 85-7A Describes and and Screws and CAN 5-7114 illustrates reusable WASHERS Conical CHEV 85-36 hex head screw and Washers CORP 857902 conical washer GMC 85-B-44 assembly when HM 85-19 servicing any trans- OLDS 35-7 mission or transaxle.

TOROUE Torque 1985 BUICK 85-7-8 Illustration of 298mm CONVERTER Converter All models CAN 5-7132 torque converter COMPONENTS Lugs CHEV 85-76 assembly used with CORP 857905 diesel engines. Now GMC 85-B-73 with 3 lugs HM 85-34 instead of 6. OLDS 35-10 PONT 5-7-17

End Play All models BUICK 5-7-8 Use of new end play Tool All years CAD T5-82 measurement tool CAN 5-7138 on all torque CHEV 57-3 converters is given. CORP 857907 Chart included. GMC 85-B-77 HM 85-38 OLDS 5-T-24 PONT 5-7-21



NOTE: General groups are listed in Alphabetical order Bulletins are listed in previous to most current order

GENERAL DIAGNOSIS MODEL/YEAR BULLETIN NUMBERS SUBJECT SUMMARY GROUPS or SYMPTOM ------------ ---------------- ---------------- ------ ---------- PERFORMANCE Loss of Power 1982-1984 BUICK 84-7-2 New brazing process in Drive CAN 7-120 for converter blades and Reverse CHEV 84-93 prevents movement CORP 847901 of blades and GMC 84-B-64 reduction of HM 83-80 torque multiplica- OLDS 34-8 tion. PONT 4-7-23

No Gears or 1984 CAD T4-75 Service and repair Slipping in CHEV 84-136 information given all Ranges CORP 847601 for inspection of GMC 84-B-82 snap ring, seal, HM 84-10 and reverse boost bushing. Replacement part numbers also given.


NOTE: General groups are listed in Alphabetical order Bulletins are listed in previous to most current order

GENERAL MODEL/YEAR BULLETIN NUMBERS SUBJECT SUMMARY GROUPS ---------- ---------------- --------------- ------- CASE All models BUICK 85-7-1 Location of transmission I.D. CAN 5-7103 and explanation of all key CHEV 84-191 transmission identification. CORP 857989 GMC 85-B-2 HM 84-25 OLDS 85-T-6 PONT 85-7-2

1984/475 CAN 5-7111 Four new bolts are now EV, FI, FS, CHEV 85-18 replacing four of the six HR models CORP 857550 studs in the rear GMC 85-B-40 case extension HM 85-16


NOTE: General groups are listed in Alphabetical order Bulletins are listed in previous to most current order

GENERAL ITEMS MODEL/YEAR BULLETIN NUMBERS SUBJECT SUMMARY GROUPS ----- ---------- ---------------- --------------- ------ REARINGS Hex Head All models BUICK 85-7-4 Describes and and Screws and CAN 5-7114 illustrates reusable WASHERS Conical CHEV 85-36 hex head screw and Washers CORP 857902 conical washer GMC 85-B-44 assembly when HM 85-19 servicing any OLDS 35-7 transmission or PONT 85-7-7 transaxle.

CASE Case 1984/475 CAN 5-7111 Four new bolts are Extension EV, FI, FS CHEV 85-18 now replacing four Bolts HR models CORP 857550 of the six GMC 85-B-40 studs in the rear HM 85-16 case extension

TORQUE Torque 1982-1984 BUICK 84-7-2 New brazing process CONVERTER Converter CAN 7-120 for corverter COMPONENTS CHEV 84-93 blades prevents CORP 847901 movement of blades GMC 84-8-64 and reduction of HM 83-80 torque multiplica- OLDS 34-8 tion Potential PONT 4-7-23 loss of poweer in drive and reverse

End Play All models BUICK 85-7-8 Use of end play Tool All years CAD T5-82 measurement tool CAN 5-7138 on all torque CHEV 57-3 converters is given. CORP 857907 Chart and illustra- GMC 85-B-77 tion are included HM 85-38 OLDS 5-T-24 PONT 5-7-21



NOTE: General groups are iisted in Alphabetical order Bulletins are listed in previous to most current order

GENERAL DIAGNOSIS MODEL/YEAR BULLETIN NUMBERS SUBJECT SUMMARY GROUPS or SYMPTOM ----------- ---------------- --------------- ------ ---------- COMPONENT No 4th gear All models CAN 7-134 This condition may CONDITIONS and Burned CHEV 83-T-42 be caused by a blocked 2-4 Band CORP 837806 2-4 servo exhaust hole. Assembly GMC 83-B-77 The hole could be HM 83-03 blocked with R.T V. PONT 83-T-26 silicone sealant and/or some after market gaskets

TCC 1983 CAN 7-140 Pinched TCC wires caus- inoperative All models CHEV 83-1-78 ing this condition. GMC 83-B-86 Special washers have HM 83-37 been designed to PONT 83-1-82 hold them in place.

Transmission All models CAN 7-204 Possible causes are Overheating CHEV 84-10 listed for these CORP 837834 overheating conditions GMC 84-8-13 usually when the HM 83-55 cooler cannot cool PONT 83-I-153 adequately and the TCC is inoperative.

LEAKS Oil Pump All models CAN 7-163 Illustration of past Seal Assembly CHEV 83-T-59 design and new Leaking CORP 837817 revised oil pump GMC 83-B-98 which will allow for HM 83-35 more effective PONT 83-T-38 oil drainback.

PERFORMANCE No Drive 1982-1983 CAN 7-174 Cracked oil pump and Reverse All models CHEV 83-T-51 rotor may be possible CORP 837812 cause for this GMC 83-B-84 condition. Service HM 83-21 procedure to verify PONT 83-T-33 broken oil pump rotor.

Slipping in All models CAN 7-149 Diagnosis procedure Reverse or CHEV 83-T-55 provided for this no Reverse CORP 837815 condition. Includes GMC 83-B-120 illustrations of HM 83-38 reverse input piston. PONT 83-T-37

Harsh Manual 1982-1983 HM 83-46A Service information downshift All models GMC 84-B-50 given to correct feel and/or problem. Also new delayed control valve downshift assemblies and spacer plates went into production on March 25, 1983.

No 2nd, 4th All models CAN 7-192 Inspection of the or Reverse CHEV 83-I-125 reaction Sun Gear Gear Operation CORP 837828 Shell is necessary GMC 83-B-116 to find broken HM 83-57 hub or stripped PONT 83-I-122 spline causing symptom illustration provided.

Loss of 1982-1984 BUICK 84-7-2 New brazing process power in CAN 7120 for converter blades Drive & Reverse CHEV 84-I-93 prevents movement of CORP 847901 blades and reduction GMC 84-B-64 of torque multiplica- HM 83-80 tion Part chart and OLDS 34-8 models listed PONT 4-7-23

SHIFTING Burned 2-4 All models CAN 7-136 Service and diagnosis band and/or CHEV 83-T-43 proceduree for a 3-4 clutch CORP 837805 slipping or no GMC 83-B-78 1-2 shift condition HM 83-28 PONT 83-T-27

Harsh 2-1 1982-1983 CAN 7-212 New control valve feel or CHEV 83-126 assembly and spacer Delayed CORP 837837 plate went into Downshifts GMC 84-B-50 production to control HM 83-46A this condtion PONT 83-T-64A Part number included

Diagnosing All models CAN 7-177 Procedure given for Transmission CHEV 83-I-95 diagnosing and Oil Leaks CORP 837822 repairing GMC 83-B-111 transmission oil HM 8344B leaks PONT 83-I-99

Oil Leak at 1982-1983 CAN 7-197 Leak on 4 wheel Transfer All models CHEV 83-I-88 drive vehicles Case CORP 836712 may be caused GMC 84-B-96 by "O" ring seal. HM 83-62 Part number included

Transmission 1983-1984 CAN 7-211 May be caused by Oil Exhausting All models CHEV 84-61 gasket Service Out Breather CORP 847802 package numbers GMC 84-B-44 given to correct. HM 83-84A PONT 84-7-5A

Transmission All models CAN 7-110 Service package and Oil Pan Leaks CHEV 84-69 procedure CORP 837840 given for new GMC 84-B-46 design oil pan HM 83-86 PONT 83-T-72

NOISE Buzzing noise 1982 HM 83-48A May be caused by and possible All models GMC 84-B-49 gasket Service delayed package numbers upshifts given to correct problem.

Grinding 1982-1984 CAN 7-115 Changes in new noise in All models CHEV 84-86 reaction internal all ranges CORP 847804 Gear are listed GMC 84-B-56 part numbers and HM 84-08 illustration given PONT 84-7-7

Buzzing Noise 1982 CAN 7-114 New service package and Delayed All models CHEV 82-T-146 for spacer plates Upshifts GMC 84-B-49 and gaskets is given HM 83-48A if replacement is necessary

Erratic 1982-1983 CAN 7-195 Some 1982 and 1983 Shifting All models CHEV 83-I-126 may exhibit erratic CORP 837832 shift conditions GMC 83-B-127 which adjusting the HM 83-58 T.V.cable won't PONT 83-I-146 correct. Repair procedure given to correct this condi- tion

Erratic or All models CAN 7-203 Worn governor gear no upshifts CHEV 84-13 may cause these CORP 837836 conditions.Diagnosis GMC 84-B-15 chart is given for HM 83-64 servicing governor PONT 83-T-59 model year

Firm or 1982-1984 CAN 5-7125 New service package Harsh 1-2 Early 1985 CHEV 85-53 for control valve Shifts CORP 837832 body has gone into GMC 86-B-17 production to HM 85-24 eliminate this PONT 5-7-12 condition. Part number included


NOTE: General groups are listed in Alphabetical order Bulletins are listed in previous to most current order

GENERAL MODEL/YEAR BULLETIN NUMBERS SUBJECT SUMMARY GROUPS ---------- ----------------- --------------- ------ BEARINGS 1982-1983 HM 83-25 Explanation why the input and All models GMC 83-B-89 carrier to output shaft WASHERS snap ring should not be reused when reassembling any transmission. Illustration

All models CAN 7-185 Service information and CHEV 83-I-108 procedures given when CORP 837825 checking for transmission GMC 84-B-6 end play.Illustration HM 83-54 and part description PONT 83-I-118 given.

CASE 1982-1983 CAN 7-141 Instructions given for All models CHEV 83-I-77 installing the output CORP 837810 shaft yoke to prevent GMC 83-8-83 oil seal assembly leaks HM 83-18 PONT 83-I-81

All models CAN 7-131 Service procedure for CHEV 83-I-60 air checking input housing CORP 837804 assembly GMC 83-B-79 HM 83-22 PONT 83-I-65

All models CAN 85-7-103 Automatic transmission CHEV 84-191 identification information CORP 857989 GMC 85-B-2 HM 84-25 PONT 85-7-2

CLUTCHES All models CHEV 84-9 Parking pawl must be and CORP 837833 removed when servicing BANDS GMC 84-B-12 the low and reverse HM 83-63 piston instructions given PONT 83-I-150

All models CAN 7-194 Service information for CHEV 83-T-79 the Forward Spring Clutch CORP 837830 is given Service GMC 83-6-130 package numbers HM 83-68 are included PONT 83-I-136

All models CAN 7-124 Service information is given CHEV 84-103 when checking for wear CORP 847805 of pinion washer GMC 84-B-63 HM 84-04 PONT 84-7-15

1982-1984 CAN 7-150 Service information is given All models CHEV 84-177 for inspection of burned CORP 847810 overrun clutch, forward GMC 85-B-1 clutch, 3rd clutch HM 84-05 and 4th clutch assembly. PONT 84-7-35

1985 CAN 5-7-131 1985 service manual All models CHEV 57-3 correction on the Lo CORP 857807 and Reverse clutch piston GMC 85-B-74 dimensions. Illustration. HM 85-37

CONTPOL 1982-1983 CAN 7-143 Delete any reference to VALVE All models CHEV 83-I-80 the throttle exhaust ASSEMBLY CORP 837843 valve in 1982 thru GMC 83-B-85 1983 service manuals. HM 83-24 PONT 83-I-86

1982-1983 CAN 7-178 Accumulator spring usage CHEV 83-109 chart listed for spring CORP 837824 usage and location GMC 83-B-115 HM 83-50 PONT 83-I-115

All models CAN 7-103 Starting 1984 the 700-R4 CHEV 84-11 is being produced with aT.V. CORP 837835 exhaust check ball in the GMC 84-B-14 control valve assembly. HM 83-72 PONT 84-T-57

1982-1985 CAN 7-126 Procedure given for air All models CHEV 84-107 check of the 3rd and 4th GMC 85-B-18 clutch piston illustration HM 83-81 A PONT 84-7-18

1983-1984 CAN 7-111 Service procedure given All models CHEV 84-68 for removal and inspection CORP 847801 of the control assembly GMC 84-B-28 to prevent lock-up in reverse HM 83-99 PONT 84-7-6

OIL PUMP All models CAN 7-136 Four procedures are given CHEV 83-T-86 for checking possible points CORP 837818 for lack of lubrication GMC 83-B-97 when transmission shows signs HM 83-30 of being burned. PONT 83-I-93

All models CAN 7-161 Bulletin suggests inspection CHEV 83-T-62 of the "O" ring oil filter CORP 837821 body, and filter retaining GMC 83-B-107 clip when diagnosing low HM 83-45 oil pressure or pump condi- PONT 83-T-40 tion noise

All models CAN 7-191 Illustration of new end CHEV 83-1-124 play tools used to check CORP 837829 fixture adapters GMC 83-B-117 HM 83-61 PONT 83-1-123

All models CAN 7-214 Oil pressure switch informa- CHEV 83-96 tion and their locations are GMC 84-B-35 given Illustration.Supplement HM 83-74A to divisional bulletin 83-74. PONT 83-I-168

All models CAN 7-125 Service procedure for the oil CHEV 84-108 pump rotor and slide Illustra- CORP 847904 tion and charts are given GMC 84-8-76 showing pump disassembly. HM 83-103 PONT 84-7-19

1982-1985 CAN 85-7-155 Steps for the removal and All models CHEV 85-35 installation of the oil seal CORP 857802 assembly requiring the use of GMC 85-B-43 Loctite TM RC-609 are HM 85-26 provided. PONT 85-7-9

Late 1984 CAN 5-7149 Service parts information All 1985 CHEV 85-107 on the new pump assembly CORP 857810 is given Part numbers GMC 86-B-3 included. HM 8546 PONT 5-7-31

SERVICE 1982-1986 HM 85-58 SRTA program and procedures and All models GMC 86-B-31 are discussed in detail UNIT REPAIR

SERVICE 1984 CAN 84-7-155 Artwork of change in rotation MANUAL All models CORP 847848 of "A" and "B" to update UPDATE GMC 85-B-3 artwork on page 700-R4-49. HM 84-30 Illustration provided PONT 84-7-37

TORQUE 1985 CORP 857804 Clutch converter shift CONVERTER YK,YT,YX,YP, HM 85-32A valve train was eliminated COMPONENTS YZ,YC,PR,MT, GMC 85-B-62 on all ECM controlled VC,PQ,YN,& vehicles. YA models


NOTE: General groups are listed in Alphabetical order Bulletins are listed in previous to most current order


BEARINGS Rod End All models CAN 7-175 Beginning with serial and Clip CHEV 83-I-103 number 3TC152D all WASHERS CORP 837823 700-R4 are being GMC 83-B-122 built with a view HM 83-19 rod end clip which PONT 83-I-104 features a wider cross section and a stiffening rib

Snap Ring All models CAN 7-162 Beginning 9/1/83 all CHEV 83-I-85 700-R4 were built CORP 837816 with a revised snap GMC 83-8-99 ring for the reaction HM 83-42 sun gear and Lo and PONT 83-I-90 Reverse spring retainer to case

Hex Head All models CAN 85-7-114 Describes and Screws CHEV 85-36 illustrates reusable and Conical CORP 857902 hex head screws and Washers GMC 85-B-44 conical washer HM 85-19 assembly when PONT 85-7-7 servicing any trans- mission or transaxle.

CLUTCHES Input All models CAN 7-157 This new assembly will and Housing CHEV 83-I-88 have two rows BANDS and Shaft CORP 837820 of drain holes Assembly GMC 83-B-104 which will reduce HM 83-15 gear clash during PONT 83-I-95 transfer case shifting

Oil 1983 CAN 7-147 This new oil pressure Pressure All models CHEV 83-I-79 plug will be Plugs CORP 837811 used at the 2nd, GMC 83-B-88 3rd, and 4th clutch HM 83-17 pressure tap loca- PONT 83-I-87 tions. Illustration provided.

2-4 All models CAN 7-108 This new servo cover Servo CHEV 83-I-115 and seal will Cover CORP 837827 eliminate leaks which and GMC 84-B-72 may occur at the Seal HM 83-20A 2-4 servo cover. PONT 83-I-124A

Clutch 1983 CAN 7-137 New turbine shaft Housing CHEV 83-I-67 will accomodate a Turbine CORP 837808 245mm converter Shaft GMC 83-B-87 assembly. Charts given HM 83-23 with part numbers. PONT 83-I-76

Input All models CHEV 84-117 This new input housing Housing CORP 847806 and shaft assembly Shaft GMC 84-B-66 has a check valve Assembly HM 83-107 retainer pressed PONT 84-7-14 into the housing.

Input 1982-1984 CAN 7-150 Went into production Housing All models CHEV 84-177 April 16, 1984 to Shaft CORP 847810 correct burned forward Assembly Oil GMC 85-B-1 clutch,overrun clutch, Pump Assembly HM 84-05 and 3rd and 4th clutch PONT 4-7-35 plate assemblies.

Forward 1982-1985 CHEV 85-63 Beginning in 1984 all Clutch All models CORP 857805 models will be Plate GMC 85-B-65 produced with thicker Assembly HM 85-21 clutch plates.Replace- PONT 5-7-16 ment part numbers are also given

CONTROL Pinched 1983 CAN 7-140 Washer has been VALVE TCC All models CHEV 83-I-78 installed on valve ASSEMBLY Solenoid Wires CORP 837809 body to hold TCC GMC 83-B-86 solenoid wires to HM 83-37 prevent pinching PONT 83-I-82 during assembly and testing. Illustration provided

Assembly 1982-1983 CAN 7-212 New control valve and All models CHEV 84-43 bodies and spacer Spacer CORP 837837 plates went into Plate GMC 84-B-50 production March 25, HM 83-46A 1983 to correct PONT 83-T-64 manual 2-1 harsh feel

Accumulator 1982-1983 CAN 7-178 Accumulator spring Spring CHEV 83-109 usage chart listed GMC 83-8-115 for spring usage HM 83-50 and location. PONT 83-I-115

New 1982-1985 CAN 7-135 Additional information Design All models CHEV 85-71 on the new design Control CORP 857806 control valve assembly Valve Body GMC 85-B-75 in reference to GMC HM 83-81B service bulletin PONT 85-7-3 85-B-18

Link All models CAN 7-113 This change provides Detent CHEV 83-129 a new retention of Lever CORP 837841 the detent lever to to Manual GMC 84-B-57 manual valve link Valve HM 83-97 without the PONT 83-I-178 clip. Illustration

OIL PUMP Rear All models CAN 7-114 Installation instruc- Oil Seal CHEV 53-3 tions emphasized for CORP 827901 cleaning and greasing GMC 83-8-83 when replacement HM 81-59 is necessary

Cover Gasket 1983-1984 CAN 7-211 New covers and All models CHEV 84-61 gaskets went into HM 83-84A production to stop PONT 84-7-5A oil exhaust from vent

TORQUE Torque 1982-1984 BUICK 84-7-2 New brazing process CONVERTER Converter CAN 7120 for converter blades COMPONENTS CHEV 84-I-93 prevents movement of CORP 847901 blades and reduction GMC 84-B-64 of torque multiplica- HM 83-80 tion. Potential loss OLDS 34-8 of power in drive PONT 4-7-23 and reverse.

Torque 1985 CAN 5-7132 Illustration of 298mm Converter All models CHEV 85-76 torque converter Lugs CORP 857905 assembly used with GMC 85-B-73 diesel engines now HM 85-34 with three lugs PONT 5-7-17 instead of six.

End Play All models CAN T5-82 Use of end play Tool All years CHEV 57-3 measurement tool CORP 857905 on all torque GMC 85-B-77 converters is given. HM 85-38 Illustration and PONT 5-7-21 chart provided.

General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.