GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only

The power door lock system locks or unlocks all doors with the actuation of a single door lock switch. Power is available at all times from the DOOR LOCK fuse through CKT 1240 to the following components:

    • The door lock relay.
    • The door unlock relay.

Both relays are grounded through CKT 150 at G201.

Each door lock switch has two contacts. When the upper portion of the door lock switch is depressed in order to unlock the doors, one contact closes in order to apply voltage to CKT 682. The switch is an input to the BCM which energizes the unlock relay coil. The relay switch contacts then close in order to apply voltage to CKT 294. CKT 294 applies voltage to all the door lock motors, which are grounded through the following components:

    • CKT 295
    • The normally closed contacts of the door lock relay

When the lower portion of the door lock switch is depressed in order to lock the doors, the other switch contact closes in order to apply a ground to CKT 682. The switch is an input to the BCM which energizes the lock relay coil. Since the coil in the relay is grounded at all times through CKT 150 and G201, the coil is energized. The relay switch contacts then close in order to apply voltage to CKT 295. CKT 295 applies voltage to all the door lock motors which are grounded through the following components:

    • CKT 294
    • The normally closed contacts of the door unlock relay

With Keyless Entry

When the vehicle is equipped with keyless entry, the following doors operate as described above:

    • The right front door.
    • Both rear doors.

The left front door lock motor does not operate in the same manner. When either door lock switch is moved to the LOCK position, the operation is similar to the above operation, with the following exceptions:

    • The left front door lock motor receives ground through CKT 694.
    • The left front door lock motor receives ground through the remote control door lock receiver.

If you move either door lock switch to the UNLOCK position, the following components receive voltage:

    • CKT 194
    • The remote control door lock receiver

When the remote control door lock receiver receives the unlock signal, the receiver then applies voltage to the left front door lock motor through CKT 694. The motor is then grounded through CKT 295 as described above.

Programmable Automatic Door Locks

The programmable automatic door locks is a standard feature intended to provide enhanced security and convenience by automatically locking and unlocking the doors. The automatic locking and unlocking of the doors will occur if the ignition key is turned ON and the drivers door is closed when the vehicle is shifted out of PARK. The following operating modes may be selected and programmed by the driver:

    • Mode 1 - All the doors automatically lock when the vehicle is shifted out of PARK. All the doors unlock when shifted into PARK and the key is turned OFF.
    • Mode 2 - This mode is only available with the remote keyless transmitter. All the doors automatically lock when the vehicle is shifted out of PARK. The automatic drivers door only unlock when the vehicle is shifted into PARK and the key is turned OFF.
    • Mode 3 - All the doors automatically lock when the vehicle is shifted out of PARK. There is no automatic door unlock.
    • Mode 4 - Automatic door lock or unlock is disabled.

The programmable automatic door locks operate in mode 1 when the vehicle is shipped from the factory.

Disconnecting the vehicle battery for up to 1 year will not change the programmed mode of the programmable automatic door locks.

The operating mode of the programmable automatic door locks will be changed when the driver performs the following sequence with the doors closed and the vehicles ignition key turned to the ON position:

  1. Press and hold the LOCK button on the power door lock switch for 10 seconds.
  2. Count the number of chimes heard. Release the switch when you hear the chimes. The number of chimes indicates the mode the vehicle is in. Change the mode by pressing and holding LOCK on the power door lock switch 2 chimes for mode 2, 3 chimes for mode 3, and 4 chimes for mode 4. Repeat Step 1 until the number of chimes matches the mode desired.

Body Control Module

The Body Control Module (BCM) controls the automatic door locks. Refer to Body Control System Operation in Body Control System for more information.

Automatic Door Lock Features

The BCM has these automatic door lock features:

    • All door unlock: The BCM unlocks all doors when pressing unlock on either door lock switch.
    • All door lock: The BCM locks all doors when pressing lock on either door lock switch.
    • Last door closed locking: When pressing lock on either door lock switch with the ignition switch off, and the left or right front door open, the BCM locks all doors seven seconds after closing all vehicle doors.
    • Lockout prevention: When pressing lock on either door lock switch with the key in the ignition cylinder and the left or right front door open, the BCM does not lock the doors.
    • Lockout prevention override: When pressing and holding lock on either door lock for at least three seconds, the BCM overrides the lockout prevention thus locking all doors.
    • Shift into PARK unlock: When shifting the transaxle into PARK, and the key to off, the BCM unlocks all vehicle doors.
    • Shift out of PARK lock: When shifting the transaxle out of PARK with the driver's door closed, the BCM locks all vehicle doors.
    • Remote driver door unlock: The BCM unlocks the driver's door when pressing unlock on the keyless entry transmitter.
    • Remote all door unlock: The BCM unlocks all vehicle doors when pressing unlock on the keyless entry transmitter again within five seconds of pressing unlock the first time.
    • Remote all door lock: The BCM locks all vehicle doors when pressing lock on the keyless entry transmitter.

Refer to Remote Keyless Entry Circuit Description in Keyless Entry for more information regarding the operation of the keyless entry system. Refer to Body Control System Description in Body Control System for more information regarding the BCM.

All Door Unlock

The BCM unlocks all doors when pressing unlock once on either door lock switch.

Pressing unlock on either door lock switch grounds a 12V signal through a 1.5-Ohms resistor to the BCM through circuit 682. This action causes the BCM to activate the unlock relay which then supplies voltage from CKT 1240 to CKT 294 for 315-385 ms, energizing all passenger door actuators and unlocking all passenger doors. Door actuators ground through the door lock relay. This action energizes the driver's door lock actuator and unlocks the driver's door lock.

All Door Lock

    • The BCM locks all doors when pressing lock once on either door lock switch with all doors closed.
    • The BCM delays door locking when the drivers door is open with the key removed from the ignition switch, thus enabling the last door closed locking feature. A first press of lock on a door lock switch initiates this feature. This causes the BCM to sound the chime 3 times, indicating last door closed locking is active. Seven seconds after all doors are closed, the BCM locks all doors. Pressing lock twice on a door lock switch overrides the last door closed locking feature, thus the BCM locks all doors immediately with a door still open.
    • The BCM does not lock the doors when the driver's door is open and the key is fully inserted in the ignition switch, enabling the lockout prevention feature.

Pressing lock on either door lock switch grounds a feed signal to the BCM through CKT 682. When the BCM deems appropriate to lock the doors (based on last door closed locking and lockout prevention features), the BCM activates the lock relay which then applies voltage from circuit 195 to circuit 295 for 315-385 ms, energizing all door actuators and locking all vehicle doors.

Last Door Closed Locking

The BCM activates the last door closed locking feature when these conditions are met:

    • A vehicle door is open (closed circuit in CKT 394 or CKT 395.
    • The key is removed from the ignition switch, thus disabling lockout prevention (open signal in CKT 80).
    • Pressing lock once on a door lock switch.

Upon pressing lock, the BCM sounds the chime 3 times. This provides feedback indicating that the last door closed locking feature is active 7 seconds after all doors are closed, the BCM locks all doors.

To cancel this feature:

    • Press unlock on a door lock switch, or keyless entry transmitter.
    • Turn the ignition switch to the accessory or on position.

To override this feature: Press lock twice. The BCM locks all door immediately with a door still open.

Lockout Prevention

The BCM does not lock the vehicle doors when pressing lock on either door lock switch with the lockout prevention feature active. The BCM activates the lockout prevention feature when these conditions are met:

    • A vehicle door is open (closed circuit in CKT 394 or CKT 395).
    • The key is fully inserted in the ignition switch cylinder (ground signal in CKT 80).

Automatic Door Locks

When the lockout prevention feature is active, the BCM disables these automatic door lock features:

    • All door lock
    • Last door closed locking
        With the key fully inserted, the keyless entry lock button can be used to immediately lock all doors if either front door is open or not.

Lockout Prevention Override

To override the lockout prevention feature, press and hold lock on either door lock switch for three seconds. This action causes the BCM to lock all doors immediately.

Shift Into PARK Unlock

The BCM unlocks all doors when these conditions are met:

    • Automatic door lock/unlock is in mode 1. Refer to Feature Customization for details.
    • The ignition switch is on.
    • Transaxle is shifted into PARK by sensing a transaxle range PRNDL signal via the Class II serial data link and the ignition is off.

The BCM unlocks the driver's door only when these conditions are met:

    • Automatic door lock/unlock is in mode 2. Refer to Feature Customization for details.
    • The ignition switch is on.
    • Transaxle is shifted into PARK by sensing a transaxle range PRNDL signal via the Class II serial data link and ignition is off.

Shift Out of PARK Lock

The BCM locks the doors when these conditions are met:

    • Automatic door lock/unlock is in mode 1, 2 or 3. Refer to Feature Customization for more information.
    • All vehicle doors are closed (closed circuit in CKT 394 or 395).
    • The ignition switch is on.
    • Transaxle is shifted out of PARK by sensing a transaxle range PRNDL signal via the Class II serial data link.

Feature Customization

The following table contains the automatic door lock/unlock modes:

Auto Door Lock/Unlock Modes

Mode Selected

Shift Out of PARK

Ignition RUN to OFF

1-- All Lock/All Door Unlock

All Doors Lock

All Doors Unlock

2 -- All Lock/Driver Unlock Only (Only Available With Remote Control Door lock Receiver Equipped Vehicles

All Doors Lock

Only Drivers Door Unlocks

3 -- All Lock/No Unlocking

All Doors Lock

No Unlocking

4 -- No Locking/No Unlocking

No Locking

No Unlocking

With Keyless Entry

If the vehicle is equipped with keyless entry, all of the doors operate as described above.

Changing the Automatic Door Lock/Unlock Mode

Complete the following steps in order to change the automatic door lock/unlock mode:

  1. Verify that the car is in the factory Mode 1.
  2. Close all of the vehicle doors.
  3. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position.
  4. Depress one of the door mounted lock switches to the LOCK position. Hold the switch for 10 seconds.
  5. After 10 seconds, the chime will sound 2 times. Release the switch. Mode 2 has been restored.
  6. Repeat Step 2 through Step 4 in order to select Mode 3.
  7. Repeat Step 2 through Step 4 again in order to select Mode 4.
  8. If you repeat the steps a third time, the mode will return to Mode 1.

    If the vehicle is not equipped with keyless entry, the above process will automatically transition from Mode 1 to Mode 3.